In the wake of the COVID pandemic and the suspension of non-urgent care there is now a huge backlog of patients waiting for treatment, there are also many patients that have been avoiding hospitals that are now starting to re-engage and becoming part of the outpatient backlog.
Many outpatient departments have even prior to the pandemic been suffering with high staff turnover rates and lots of Did Not Attends (DNAs) from patients. Join the webinar to find out how this could be vastly reduced as part of a digital transformation of the outpatient experience. This will lead to a much smoother process with engagement from the patient and clinicians, offering more time to meet and treat patients, less time wasted on failed appointments and an active role rather than passive for the patient.
Sign up to the free webinar by clicking the link below:
For more information about CGI’s relationship with Dynamo North East, please contact quoting CGI/Dynamo North East