Nomad Digital are currently supporting their Executive team with their individual development plans and as part of these discussions they’ve realised how beneficial it would be for each leader to have more informal learning opportunities and networking contact with peers outside of our organisation.

They would therefore like to organise some initial one-to-one meetings for their leaders to meet with another leader from other Dynamo member organisations to explore how they approach certain challenges, outlined below.

The initial focus is knowledge-sharing, but it may be that a mentoring opportunity presents itself after the first meeting.

After each meeting they’ll ask the leader to identify at least 1 action they can take away and implement within their own organisation.

Possible challenges to discuss:

For further information or to sign up, please contact Samantha Link, Global Talent & Development Manager, on 07703 806 377 or email

About Nomad Digital

We’re the leading provider of passenger and fleet connectivity solutions to the railway industry. Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, we serve more than 80+ global customers, in more than 40 countries.

In 2017 we were bought by Alstom, a global train manufacturer, as part of their digital mobility strategy.  Our focus is to be the world leader in connected trains, and as a result of our internal talent initiatives we have an ambitious Executive team committed to delivering on our vision.