(ISC)2 North East England Chapter presents a FREE, full day conference, open to both (ISC)2 and non-(ISC)2 members:
“The Human Firewall”
Humans have become the weakest link in the security of our systems. Software and hardware security have improved, now humans are the target. Don’t miss out on your chance to find out how to strengthen your defences with our FREE conference: “The Human Firewall”
“Only amateurs attack machines; professionals target people.” Bruce Schneier.
The event begins at 9:30 for coffee and networking, talks begin at 10:00. Lunch will be provided and the event is expected to end at 17:30.
Tickets are limited and you are encouraged to register ASAP to avoid missing out. If you register a ticket and are subsequently unable to attend, please login to cancel your ticket so that someone else can take your place.
Sage have kindly volunteered to host this event in their North Park office.
For details on speakers and session topics and to book – click here