Breakfast Event  Tuesday 22nd Nov  8:00am  –  9:30am 

The Curve, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BX

Be part of the Revolution in Home Building: Find out about courses in ‘Advanced Home Futures’ and ‘Advanced Home Construction’, developed by TU in collaboration with TV architect George Clark’s Ministry of Building Innovation + Education (MOBIE) starting January and September 2018.

HNC/HND Advanced Home Construction.. find out more
MSc Advanced Home Futures.. find out more

This breakfast event is aimed at interested individuals and at employers that are considering up-skilling new and/or existing staff in the latest conceptual and digital trends used in the construction of homes.

These courses, available full and part-time, will deliver the next generation of construction sector workers, design thinkers and innovators, who will drive change in the construction industry. Course participants will gain the knowledge required understand the future of home design and home building with a focus on how innovation driven change can deliver affordable homes people genuinely want to live in.

Attendees at the event will gain knowledge on how technology is disrupting the construction of homes and how the MOBIE concept aims to radically change the traditional approach to home design and home building.  They will find out how they, as individuals and employers, can be part of this revolution. Course leaders will introduce the multi-disciplinary HNC/HND and MSc courses that will cover important aspects of design, design thinking, innovation, technology and advanced manufacturing and social scientists, psychologists and health experts will add new insights on how homes need to be rethought for new ways of living.

Book your place here

There is more info about George Clark and MOBIE at Teesside University here.