Date: Monday 1st July 2019

Time: 15:00 – 17:30

Venue:  Virgin Money – Newcastle Office

Jubilee House, Unit 1A. The Gosforth Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4PL


The Cyber and Convergence Special Interest Group (CCSIG) was launched by The Security Institute for the Membership, in gaining a better understanding of Security Ecosystem.

A year since EU’s General Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect, the focus of this event will be on Data Security under GDPR in the private and financial sector through real case studies, in order to help organisations to prepare for the increasing challenges around keeping personal data secure. Register now as places are limited, and then you’ll be well prepared for the security challenge of our time – responding effectively when hackers break through. Security Institute members are encouraged to bring their executive colleagues to this simulation, as effective cyber security requires cooperation between functions.

The current agenda is as follows:

1.     15:00 – Registration

2.     15:30 – Introduction

3.     15:40 – Update on Cyber and Convergence SIG

4.     15:50 – Cyber Topic from Caroline Churchill [Partner at Womble Bond Dickinson]

5.     16:20 – Cyber Topic from the Financial Sector

6.     16:50 – Cyber Topic from Phil Jackman [Director] and Q&A

7.     17:20 – Close

8.     17:30 – Social Drinks (Venue to be confirmed)

Agenda and venue are subject to change – advance notice will be provided.

Book your ticket