Question 1
What inspires you to get involved with Dynamo?
I’m not a native of the North East – although I’ve lived here for 25 and have two very Geordie children! I am amazed at how the region has grasped digital industries and created amazing opportunities for business and individuals to thrive in this space. I have seen the impact of the work Dynamo has done in bringing the region and its tech sector together to celebrate success, to challenge policy and to carve out new opportunity. And I can see the further work that needs to be done to make the tech sector even better. Working as part of the new advisory board has brought about new conversations and collaboration that will only enhance the sector greater and the opportunity to be part of that conversations was something I didn’t want to miss!
Question 2
What does your day-to-day job outside of Dynamo entail?
I work at Gateshead College, which is an amazing place! I work as part of the executive team as Director of Curriculum and Skills.
My role is really quite varied from strategy, to planning, senior operations and employer engagement; however if you boil it down, my job is to ensure that everything we do connects the world of industry and our learners. Looking ahead understanding what skills are needed now and for the future in current and emerging sectors; aligning our portfolio to deliver graduates with those skills. That’s really challenging as there is, more often than not, its not always perfect fit between what government is asking us to do, as a publicly funded education establishment, the content of qualifications and the aspirations of young people. But by listening to my network and introducing them to their future talent and workforce we are making a difference.
It’s a very rewarding job and affords me the opportunity to learn about so many sectors.
Question 3
What three achievements are you most proud of in your career so far, and why are you proud of them?
Working in education is really rewarding on so many different levels. Working in the public sector, career achievements often come from the success of your team and the impact our work can have on the region and its community. I feel proud every day of the work we do. Starting out as a Lecturer of Multimedia over 20 years ago, I got to see firsthand the impact good education, strong guidance and support has on a person’s life and at events I still get to see ex-students that went on to carve amazing careers.
Each day in my role I see people overcoming huge barriers, particularly around poverty in our region and being able to do so because of the support that we offer and the opportunities that our employer partners help us to provide. It’s incredible to be part of helping people work so hard to change their lives, it’s really humbling on a daily basis.
A recent career highlight is when I undertook the role of skills nominee in our recent Ofsted inspection. It’s a key role where I had the pleasure of demonstrating to the inspection team how Gateshead College impacts on skills for civic, community, business and education partners. It was an honour to achieve the highest rating for skills possible from Ofsted.
That and seeing our digital curriculum team win the Skills Developer of the year award at Dynamites last year!
Question 4
How do you stay informed about tech sector industry trends and advancements?
Being curious and asking lots of questions! I relish the opportunity to learn and collaborate. Networking, attending events are key parts of this. In my day-to-day role I spend much of it meeting employers to greater understand their needs now and in the future, which helps focus my research. I also love a good skills white paper!
Question 5
What hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
I have a very busy home life with two vibrant creative teenagers. However, when I do get time off I am often found at a gig listening to a DJ or a band, or taking in a show (Musical Theatre is my favourite!).
I run a book club, although I don’t always read the book! And enjoy walking along our beautiful coastline. I travel as much as I can and am never happier than I am when I’m sharing a good meal with my favourite people.
Question 6
Three reasons why people and businesses should get involved with Dynamo from your perspective.
To be part of a thriving community, coming together to celebrate, collaborate and challenge the sector and its partners (like my College) to find solutions to help the community thrive and grow.
To network and connect with a strong regional voice. Pooling talents and recognising that we can be stronger together.
To celebrate success, the Dynamo events are always challenging and inspirational, but also great fun!
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