22 March 2018 9:00-10:30am at NBS The Old Post Office, NE1 1RH
We are currently booking in places for our very first Partner Breakfast, which is being kindly hosted by our friends at NBS – The Old Post Office.
North East Futures UTC is a brand new 14-19 School opening in the Stephenson Quarter, Central Newcastle upon Tyne in September 2018. The school specialises in careers in Digital Technology and Health Science, two of the fastest growing sectors in the region with skills shortages that the UTC aims to fill.
You are invited to a partner breakfast to find out more about the UTC and how you could work together in the future. NBS have kindly agreed to host and provide a top notch breakfast in their lovely Hub venue.
The UTC is sponsored by industry with founding partners including Accenture, The Academic Health Science Network, Sage, Ubisoft, The University of Sunderland and more.
At the breakfast event we will be pitching the UTC and the ways in which your organisation may like to be involved. This could be from a small commitment such as coming in and presenting about careers in your industry or providing an industry mentor for a student right the way up to committing work experience placements or running a project with all UTC students. We will also pitch the ways in which the UTC can support your organisation back, including access to great value training facilities and a reliable pipeline of talent for you to recruit in the future.
The event will also be a great networking opportunity for organizations in the area and a fantastic press release
If you wish to attend then please RSVP to Katie Whitehouse katie@beaconhouse-events.co.uk. Invitations will be first come, first offered.
Please let us know if you have other industry connections you think would like to be involved with the UTC so we can get them along as well.