As part of the North of Tyne Combined Authority Digital Growth and Innovation Programme (NTCA Digital), we are reaching out to qualifying SMEs in the North of Tyne area to offer data science expertise to help support your data-related projects. Our team of expert data scientists can enable your organisation to explore and gain insight from your data and, in doing so, help you to find operating efficiencies and potentially create new products and services – all of which can help your business grow.
We can help organisations that have the following in place:
- A desire from senior management to better understand the value and potential of data, and a willingness to make a small investment in staff development
- A current or potential project, involving data, that is being resourced as part of your normal business operations and requires additional or deeper data science-related skills
- One or more technical people that would benefit from learning more about the data-related techniques and tools that are directly applicable to the project
- Time available for these people to engage with us and be upskilled by our team
An engagement with the National Innovation Centre for Data will help your project deliver an immediate return on investment by gaining real, actionable insight from your data. If you believe you qualify, drop us an email at, and we can take it from there.
Whilst there is a charge for our data science expertise, the NTCA Digital programme offers eligible organisations a 50% subsidy against the full cost, to incentivise organisations in the North of Tyne region to grow and become more productive through data.
You can find out more about our track record enabling organisations to benefit through data insights at We look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, working with you very soon.