Local​ ​Tech​ ​Firm​ ​Bet​ ​On​ ​Junior​ ​Swimming​ ​Champion

Bede​ ​Gaming,​ ​one​ ​of​ ​the​ ​fastest​ ​growing​ ​tech​ ​firms​ ​in​ ​the​ ​North​ ​East,​ ​has​ ​thrown​ ​its​ ​backing behind​ ​one​ ​of​ ​the​ ​region’s​ ​junior​ ​swimming​ ​stars.​ ​Emily​ ​Large​ ​is​ ​the​ ​European​ ​Junior Champion​ ​for​ ​200m​ ​Butterfly,​ ​in​ ​which​ ​she​ ​also​ ​holds​ ​the​ ​British​ ​record​ ​for​ ​her​ ​age​ ​group, which​ ​she​ ​set​ ​at​ ​the​ ​European​ ​Junior​ ​Swimming​ ​Championships​ ​in​ ​Hungary​ ​last​ ​year.

The​ ​hugely​ ​talented​ ​Ponteland​ ​teenager,​ ​who​ ​swims​ ​for​ ​Newcastle​ ​Swim​ ​Team​ ​and​ ​is coached​ ​by​ ​Ryan​ ​Livingston,​ ​is​ ​a​ ​rising​ ​star​ ​in​ ​the​ ​swimming​ ​world​ ​with​ ​two​ ​other​ ​British short​ ​course​ ​records​ ​to​ ​her​ ​name​ ​in​ ​the​ ​200m​ ​Butterfly​ ​and​ ​400m​ ​Individual​ ​Medley.​ ​She​ ​is the​ ​current​ ​British​ ​National​ ​champion​ ​for​ ​her​ ​age​ ​group​ ​in​ ​50​ ​/​ ​100​ ​/​ ​200m​ ​Butterfly.

At​ ​the​ ​end​ ​of​ ​2016​ ​she​ ​was​ ​named​ ​Pullbuoy’s​ ​Junior​ ​Swimmer​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Year​ ​and​ ​was shortlisted​ ​for​ ​the​ ​British​ ​Swimming’s​ ​Emerging​ ​Athlete​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Year.

Andy​ ​Thompson,​ ​HR​ ​Manager​ ​at​ ​Bede​ ​Gaming,​ ​said,​ ​“We’re​ ​extremely​ ​excited​ ​to​ ​be sponsoring​ ​Emily​ ​in​ ​her​ ​bid​ ​towards​ ​world​ ​swimming​ ​domination.​ ​It’s​ ​fantastic​ ​that​ ​we​ ​have such​ ​talent​ ​here​ ​in​ ​the​ ​North​ ​East​ ​and​ ​we​ ​want​ ​to​ ​do​ ​everything​ ​we​ ​can​ ​to​ ​give​ ​her​ ​the resources​ ​she​ ​needs​ ​to​ ​reach​ ​her​ ​goals.​ ​Shes​ ​already​ ​the​ ​fastest​ ​female​ ​in​ ​her​ ​age​ ​group​ ​in the​ ​world​ ​for​ ​the​ ​200m​ ​Butterfly​ ​and​ ​we’re​ ​really​ ​looking​ ​forward​ ​to​ ​seeing​ ​her​ ​further successes​ ​as​ ​she​ ​progresses​ ​her​ ​career.”

Bede​ ​Gaming​ ​were​ ​able​ ​to​ ​connect​ ​with​ ​the​ ​King’s​ ​Priory​ ​School​ ​student​ ​through​ ​Sport Newcastle,​ ​a​ ​sports​ ​charity​ ​who​ ​support​ ​North​ ​East​ ​athletes.

Mike​ ​Booth,​ ​vice-chair​ ​Sport​ ​Newcastle,​ ​added,​ ​​“Sport​ ​Newcastle​ ​are​ ​delighted​ ​to​ ​welcome Bede​ ​as​ ​the​ ​major​ ​sponsor​ ​of​ ​Emily​ ​Large​ ​one​ ​of​ ​our​ ​brightest​ ​young​ ​Sports​ ​Scholars.​ ​Emily will​ ​join​ ​a​ ​long​ ​list​ ​of​ ​scholars,​ ​including​ ​Victoria​ ​Pendleton​ ​and​ ​Jonny​ ​Wilkinson​ ​whose​ ​early sporting​ ​progress​ ​was​ ​assisted​ ​by​ ​the​ ​generosity​ ​of​ ​local​ ​businesses.​ ​The​ ​support​ ​that​ ​Bede are​ ​providing​ ​will​ ​undoubtedly​ ​help​ ​Emily​ ​financially​ ​but​ ​it​ ​also​ ​gave​ ​her​ ​a​ ​huge​ ​boost​ ​as​ ​she headed​ ​off​ ​to​ ​compete​ ​in​ ​the​ ​World​ ​Juniors.”

Jenny​ ​Large,​ ​Emily’s​ ​mum,​ ​commented,​ ​“​Emily’s​ ​rising​ ​profile​ ​and​ ​swimming​ ​success​ ​means a​ ​daily​ ​learning​ ​process​ ​for​ ​us​ ​as​ ​parents​ ​and​ ​family.​ ​We​ ​are​ ​proud​ ​of​ ​what​ ​Emily​ ​is​ ​doing​ ​in the​ ​pool​ ​and​ ​know​ ​that​ ​this​ ​is​ ​made​ ​possible​ ​by​ ​her​ ​dedicated​ ​coaching​ ​team​ ​at​ ​Newcastle Swim​ ​Team.​ ​​ ​The​ ​generous​ ​support​ ​of​ ​both​ ​Sport​ ​Newcastle,​ ​through​ ​nominating​ ​her​ ​as​ ​one of​ ​their​ ​Sports​ ​Scholars,​ ​and​ ​her​ ​new​ ​sponsor​ ​Bede​ ​Gaming​ ​will​ ​be​ ​a​ ​key​ ​factor​ ​in​ ​helping her​ ​pursue​ ​her​ ​dreams.”

Since this press article was released, Emily has been crowned the World Junior Champion for 200m Butterfly, breaking the championship record in the process, which had previously stood for 9 years. She also found out she received straight As and A*s in her GCSEs!



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