Institute of Coding – Dynamo North East Workshop

Wednesday 18th July 2018 08:30am to 11am

Riverside A room, National Glass Centre, Liberty Way, Sunderland SR6 0GL

This workshop is for Dynamo members, but open to any large Digital company. University of Sunderland, who are full partners of Institute of Coding aim to provide an overview of Institute of Coding (IoC) and how this national initiative can benefit your business.



08:30 Registration and networking – tea/coffee/fruit juice – selection of pastries and fruit

09:00 IoC intro and overview by Professor Alastair Irons

09:30 IoC – Future Workforce – current student – Level 6/7 Computer Science skills gaps

10:10 IoC – Existing Workforce – current workforce – Level 6/7 Computer Science skills gaps

10:50 Summary and next steps

11:00 Close




About Institute of Coding

The Institute of Coding (IoC) is a new, exciting, national initiative, led by the University of Bath, supported by theme leaders Aston University, Coventry University, the Open University and Queen Mary University of London. The Institute brings together a range of universities, industry, training providers and professional bodies to address the UK’s digital skills gaps.

The Institute’s vision is to enhance the education and employability of every IoC learner, and ensure that employers and individuals across the UK can access the skills they need to compete in the global digital economy. This unique and innovative collaboration has been made possible with £20m from the Higher Education Funding Council for England and match funding from universities and industry partners.

The Institute of Coding will develop and deliver innovative, industry-focused higher education across the UK. It will develop accredited degree schemes and short courses aimed at professionals in a wide range of sectors, as well as  working to widen the participation of women, returners to work and hard to reach groups.



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