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Dynamo Brexit Think Tank – Policy Briefing Released

In May this year, Dynamo ran a Think Tank focusing on: ‘The ICT sector and the challenge of change in the light of Brexit’

The session was led by Dr Elizabeth Lomas, Senior Lecturer in Information Governance within the Department of Information Studies, UCL and Julie McLeod, Professor in Records Management, Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University and the aim was to collate research, a collaboration between Northumbria University and UCL[i], exploring the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector’s responses and attitudes to dealing with the far-reaching challenge triggered by the UK’s Brexit decision.

The event focused on the opportunities for the ICT sector using a STEEPLE model. (Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical). The key messages and actions have been drawn for the ICT sector and policy makers from across these factors. To encourage a positive dynamic for moving forward action and policy for the sector we will only discuss opportunities. A similar event was held in London engaging EU and international participants alongside UK ones.

They have now completed their policy briefing. View the full report Brexit Policy Briefing


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