The project – North of Tyne Restart and Recover – is being delivered by Newcastle City Council as accountable body with Advance Northumberland and North Tyneside Council as delivery partners. Award of these contracts is subject to the approval of funding through the UK Community Renewal Fund which we are expecting to receive confirmation of imminently.
The three business support strands to be delivered through Advance are;
Delivery of Digital Audits for 50 SMEs to support them as they re-emerge following the COVID-19 crisis. The successful supplier will work alongside each of the 50 businesses to identify any digital activity currently being undertaken within the business and opportunities to further develop and improve the use of digital tools within the business#
Delivery of a website development programme. The successful supplier will design, build, and deliver 40 fully functional bespoke websites including supported handover, maintenance and hosting to 40 individual SMEs
Delivery of Digital Marketing Campaigns for SMEs to support them as they re-emerge following the COVID-19 crisis. The successful supplier will design and deliver a bespoke digital marketing campaign individually to 80 SMEs
All opportunities to submit bids close on 8th September and activity will be delivered from 1st October 2021 – 31st March 2022.