Northumberland county council has teamed up with Newcastle United Foundation to launch an employability programme for young people aged 16 to 25.

The leadership through football course is designed for those not in education or employment and aims to develop the participant’s communication, planning, and adaptability skills.

The week-long programme takes place from Monday November 1 and will include a leadership workshop, practical football engagement, Sports Leadership Award, team building and peer support and an introduction to long term support with Newcastle Football Foundation.

Taster days, including a meet and greet with Newcastle United Foundation staff will be held Wednesday 13, 20 & 27 October, between 1pm and 3pm at Hirst Park Pavilion, Ashington.

This course will also provide an introduction to wider and more long-term employability and careers support through Newcastle United Foundations NE1 Works programme, to help connect participants with job opportunities and mentoring.

Daniel Hancock, senior employability co-ordinator at Newcastle United Foundation, said: “We are privileged to be able to offer this programme in Northumberland. We believe everyone aged 16 to 25 should be able to have access to the same opportunities to open up their employability skills.

“You don’t have to be into football to benefit either. There is something for everyone to gain from this. I encourage anyone who is thinking about what they want to do with their future to pop along to one of the taster days and speak with the team.”


Credit: Bdaily